When you start a new business, it might feel weird to promote it online. It can feel especially strange to post about your business and offers to friends and past colleagues (e.g., on social media)—maybe even a little embarrassing!
I experienced this when I quit my corporate exec job and launched my first consulting business. I also felt this again when I shut down my startup and launched my coaching practice.
I was no longer who I used to be. I felt like my status had changed. I felt like people were looking down on me.
But, you know what?
As time went on, I realized I had something wonderful and useful to offer to people in need. I know I can help people with their career struggles, job searches, business operations, and more. They feel better about themselves after working with me. They regain their confidence and conquer bigger and better things.
So, I no longer feel shy about promoting my articles, podcast episodes, and random thoughts. The people who need my help will be glad to see all of it. They are all that matters.
The mean trolls—who want to mock those of us who are brave enough to run our solopreneur businesses—don’t matter. They are pathetic and sad little people who will never be happy, so they take it out on those of us who dare to pursue fulfillment, success, and happiness in ways they can never imagine.
“Normalize not criticizing others for attempting something you were too fucking scared to try.”
— Mark Manson
If you feel embarrassed about your business offer, you need to examine your feelings more deeply.
Is the embarrassment justified? In other words, are you ashamed of your offer because you know it’s not good enough? Or, are you ashamed of your business because you don’t believe in it? If so, make the necessary changes! Improve the quality of your offer. Adjust your business model, products, and services until they deliver real value that helps people. Get things to a point where you are damn proud to talk about what you do.
However, if the embarrassment is not justified (i.e., you have a great business and offer), then the work you need to do is on yourself. Therapy can help with this. Something is going on where you are letting a job and other people define your identity and sense of worth. You need to break free of that trap!
You are not a job.
You are not a profession.
You are not some material representation of success.
You are something much greater than all of that. You are you! You are unique! You have something wonderful that you are bringing to this world to help other people and change lives. Find a way to embrace that and shout it from the treetops!
I’m Larry Cornett, a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your career, business, and life. My mission is to help you become a more "Invincible You" so you can live your life on your terms instead of being controlled by someone else's rules. I live in Northern California near Lake Tahoe with my wife and our Great Dane.